Lunch 4 Locals

Lunch 4 Locals Plantation Walk • South Florida

Looking for a fun and nearby lunch spot? Look no further than Lunch 4 Locals at Plantation Walk! Florida residents can enjoy discounted lunch specials every Monday through Thursday from 11 AM to 2 PM at participating locations.

Check back often for the latest Lunch 4 Locals specials from our dining locations!

Lunch 4 Locals Specials

Kobs Green Market sandwich

Kobs Green Market Lunch 4 Locals Special

Kobs Green Market

* Florida resident ID required.

Stop in and refuel with a Lunch Brake at Ford’s Garage

Lunch “Brake”

Ford’s Garage

Pranzo Pepe $15 Lunch Special

Pranzo Pepe!

Frank Pepe Pizzeria

$15 Lunch Special